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Why It’s Critical to Measure Moisture Content in Wood

When the moisture content is inaccurate, the quality of the product can be compromised
A slight difference in moisture content may not seem important, but when it comes to wood manufacturing, even the smallest variation can have a major impact. When the moisture content is inaccurate, the quality of the product can be compromised. Do not risk product damage from moisture. MoistTech’s NIR sensor can measure moisture content in real-time, so adjustments can easily be made to prevent product issues. Consequences of Moisture Imbalance in Wood Wood moisture content can affect properties such as strength, drying time, glue curing and bond performance. However, moisture affects e
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11.03.2025 Sympatec Particle Measurement Tour, Basel, CH11.03.2025 Dust removal technology 2025 , Amberg12.03.2025 Storage and Discharge of Powders and Bulk Solids, Chatham, Kent, UK12.03.2025 VIV Asia, Bangkok18.03.2025 Sympatec Particle Measurement Tour, Leverkusen, DE20.03.2025 Sympatec Particle Measurement Tour, Stuttgart, DE
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Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH searches professionals, students, etc, Wherever you are in the world – working at Glatt means everywhere: developing high-performance solutions. Implementing innovative ideas. Sharing global knowledge.Greif-Velox searches an Automation Engineer (M/F/D), You will be responsible for independently creating programmes for complex automation systems.DASAG GmbH Verfahrenstechnik und Anlagenbau searches new team members SSB Wägetechnik searches Service Technicians/ Mechatronics Engineer, We at SSB Wägetechnik are looking for you as an Service Technician / Mechatronics Engineer (m/f/d) to join our team.
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