Hopper scales with SysTec IT8000E weighing electronics
High throughput with automatic discontinuous totalizers for bulk weighing of grain Totalizing hopper scales are designed for accurate and versatile monitoring of material flows. Various process steps can be managed effciently, such as raw material receiving, unloading, and dosing. FLINTAB is an expert in this field and has been using SysTec IT8000E weighing electronics and customized BULK E software for years to master these demanding applications flawlessly. Recently, FLINTAB has sucessfully realized two projects with automatic discontinuous totalizers in Romania for the companies AMEROPA / CHIMPEX and TTS. The goal was to carry out the loading of ships/barges with bulk material with high throughputs and metrological accuracy.
Facts: AMEROPA / CHIMPEX project
- 4 hopper scale systems located in Constanța
- Up to 1,200 cubic meters of grain per hour are weighed with the totalizing hopper scales and then transported to the final destination by sea
Facts: TTS project
- 3 hopper scale systems located in cities near Danube river (Giurgiu, Braila)