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Latest update: 03.06.2024
Hense Wägetechnik GmbH
TEL: +49 2961 965686
FAX: +49 2961 965689
Jakobsberg 4
D- 59929   Brilon
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Hense Wägetechnik offers individually tailored solution around the process technology-from the simple weight- or flow measurement up to complete dosing and batching control systems.
A silo weighing systems consits of precise load cells ( including mounting assembly )and a state of the art electronics unit for batching and control operation. The loading assemblies are approved according to DIN EN 1090. Most of the amplifiers can be equipped with common bus interfaces like profibus, modbus...
A wide range of precise solid flow measuring instruments for conveyor belts, in pneumatic feeding systems and also for free falling materials is available.
Products, services
 Load Cells - Load Cells, weighing assemblies, Load Cell, Silo scale, Silo weighing, hopper weighing, weighing technology, retrofitable weighing systems,
 Solid flow measurement - belt scales, weight feeder, gravimetric feeders, dusttight scales, solid flow meter, Impact meter, impact scales
 weighing, batching - Mass flow meter, Amplifier, batching electronic, solid flow meters, in- process measurements, flow meters
 Standard weighing systems - Platform scales Crane Scales Pallet Truck Scales Weigh Beams
Dosing/Weighing - Weighing, weighers - Belt scales
Dosing/Weighing - Gravimetric feeding - Flow through dosing
Dosing/Weighing - Weighing, weighers - Load cells
Dosing/Weighing - Weighing, weighers - Silo weighers


Hense Wägetechnik at SOLIDS in Dortmund, Hall 6, Stand R37
Hense Wägetechnik at SOLIDS in Dortmund, Hall 6, Stand R37
Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear customers, finally it’s trade fair time again. In June, Hense Wägetechnik will be at the SOLIDS in Dortmund, from 22. to 23.06.2022. We cordially invite you to visit us at the renowned trade fair for bulk solids. From 22nd to 23rd June 2022 we will convince you of the quality of our products. We are especially looking forward to the personal conversation with you. Still our goal is: An ideal solution for your application. For this purpose, we will inform you at our stand about: - Precise bulk flow meter - Load cells for silos and vessels from 10 kg to 1000 t - Retrofit weighing system for silos starting from 10 t - Belt scales, batch scales and weighing screws - Platform scales - and much more This year our colleagues Hanno Wiepen, Michael Roitsch, Sebastian Schmidt and Andreas Harndt will be in contact with you in Dortmund. You will find us in hall 6 / stand no. R37.
17.06.2022  |  2362x  |  Press release  | 
Hense Wägetechnik introduces new economic Solid Flow Meter Cost-effective ”eco-FlowSlide” complements the flow measurements range for free-fall appli
Hense Wägetechnik introduces new economic Solid Flow Meter
Cost-effective ”eco-FlowSlide” complements the flow measurements range for free-fall appli With the ”Eco-FlowSlide” Hense Wägetechnik complements the series ”Baby-FlowSlide”, ”FlowSlide” and ”Maxi FlowSlide” with a flow measurement system, which is made entirely of stainless steel (1.4301 or 1.4721) and is nevertheless priced significantly cheaper than the established standard FlowSlide devices. How is that possible? The standard FlowSlide systems are manufactured with the highest possible precision on 5-axis machining centers. For weight reasons, 12 mm thick plates made of high-quality, seawater resistant aluminium are used. The manufacturing tolerances are below 0.02 mm. Due to the parallelism of the screwed components, no additional seals are required. The product-touching parts of the FlowSlide measuring system consist of polished stainless steel or wear-resistant ”HARDOX 400”. The new system of inexpensive, edged stainless steel sheets, does not quite reach the high measuring accuracy of the standard FlowSlides. This is caused
05.09.2018  |  13296x  |  Product news  | 
Heavy Duty Load Cell for large Silos & special applications EN1090 for Load Cells above 100 metric tons
Heavy Duty Load Cell for large Silos & special applications
EN1090 for Load Cells above 100 metric tons Hense Wägetechnik GmbH offers a wide range of loading assemblies from 5 kg up to 100,000 kg / loading point. For very large silos or special weighing applications, the standard range has now been extended to more than 600 metric tons per loading point. The picture shows the “Canister range” of compression load cells. This range starts at 150 t - the largest capacity is designed for an ultimate load of more than 600 t per load point. The Load Cell is manufactured from Alloy steel, with a plated mild steel cover and plastic coated loading assembly. An ATEX Option is available for hazardous areas. Available capacities: 150,000, 200,000kg, 250,000kg, 350,000kg, 400,000kg, 500,000kg and 600,000kg
04.04.2018  |  15016x  |  Product news  | 
Mobile Solid Flow Meter FlowSlide System moves on Rails
Mobile Solid Flow Meter
FlowSlide System moves on Rails Solution: The customer decides to make a test with the FlowSlide Meter FS25 from Hense A customer requires a precise solid flow meter to dose Soja Beans into a mixing process. Due to the fact, that the grain size and the bulk density of Soja Beans could be very different, it was important to select a Solid Flow Meter, that allows precise measurement independent from bulk density, moisture content and grain size. The average flow rate is arround 8 t/h. The customer decides to make a test with the FlowSlide Meter FS25 from Hense Wägetechnik.This system is maintenance free and guarantees a high weighing accuracy; even is the product parameter are not constant. To reduce the investment for for five systems, the FlowSlide was mounted on a kind of rail system. The operator „drives“ the FlowSlide system to the actual batching point under a screw conveyor (see picture). The electronic unit and the compressor for the self cleaning device is also mounted on
08.11.2016  |  19112x  |  Product news  |   | 
Weighing system with integrated service technician Intelligent Junction Box improves process safety
Weighing system with integrated service technician
Intelligent Junction Box improves process safety One year after the introduction many users appreciate the advantages of ”smart junction box”. After the electrical connection of the load cells the individual load cell signals can be accessed at your fingertips. In case of uneven load deviation, the intelligent junction box helps to correct uneven loading by shimming the footplate of the silo leg. The junction box monitors the function of all cells during operation. Error messages and weight signals are transmitted via the internal CAN- bus to the evaluation and display unit. The critera of the error can be individually adapted by the user. The operator can specify a message for uneven load deviation due to worse foundation. Individually, the user may specify that an alarm is triggered for example at 30% load difference between the legs. To support the fault diagnosis, each alarm can be stored and / or transmitted to the main electronic. After reading out the error (for example cable break load cell 2) the
31.08.2016  |  12036x  |  Press release  | 
FlowSlide guarantees precise batching of Malt in ”Altbier” Precise and maintenance free solid flow meter
FlowSlide guarantees precise batching of Malt in ”Altbier”
Precise and maintenance free solid flow meter The house brewery „Zum Schlüssel“ is a well know restaurant and „Altbier“ brewery in Düsseldorf. The traditional house on the „Bolkerstraße“ produces „Schlüssel“- Altbier since 1850. The beer is brewed according to the old top-fermented brewing way. The malt was dosed with a 40 years old mechanical „tipping scale“. Due to the long term mechanical operation the scale failed and needed to be replaced. The brewmaster was now searching for a replacement system with compact dimensions (to fit into the actual space) and best possible accuracy. Solution: The brewmaster came to the decision to use a Hense „Baby FlowSlide“ - system. The „Baby FlowSlide“ is maintenance free, robust and compact. Due to the heigth of only 400 mm it was possible, to fit the system exactly under the existing feeder. A stainless steel inlet hopper compensates the difference in the height between Baby FlowSlide an the old „tipping scale“. The electronic ist equipped
08.12.2015  |  15965x  |  Product news  | 
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