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Latest update: 29.07.2024
BSE, Bulk Solids Engineering
TEL: +31 53 434 45 66 
FAX: +31 84 756 26 88
Kogelerbos 10
NL-7543 GT   Enschede 
+31 53 434 45 66 
Mr. Piet van der Kooi 
project manager
BSE designs reliable installations for bulk solids on the basis of the characteristics of the product. Our work consists of:
  • Measurement of bulk solid properties for various applications.
  • Design of silos and transport equipment based on product characteristics.
  • Advice concerning bulk solids and flow problems,

Measurement of product properties

BSE has an own laboratory, where relevant properties of the bulk solid, such as internal friction, wall friction, permeability, etc. can be measured. The Jenike shear cell is the most important tester in this respect.

Design of bulk installations

Based on measured properties bulk installations can be designed with greater dependability. The design of bulk installations is based on product characteristics and applicable standards.

Trouble-shooting, consulting
Advice is related to flow problems, arching or bridging in the silo, product degradation, irregular flow, silo quaking or shaking, etc
Products, services
 Bulk handling - Field of work: bulk technology, powder technology, granulates, powder, bulk material, bulk solids.
 Basic engineering - For a proper design the behaviour of the bulk material has to be accounted for.
 Feasibility studies - Processes with bulk solids are less efficient than those with liquids or gasses. Taking into account the product properties will avoid this problem.
 Equipment choice - BSE helps you decide the proper equipment for your product and process, based on knowledge, experience and documentation.
 Consulting engineers - Through knowledge and experience BSE is able to help you solve bulk handling problems.
Expert witness services - experts in silo problems, contamination, segregation.
Advice contamination - Advice and assessment of situations to prevent or counteract product contamination
 Silo problems - Silo quaking, silo shaking, segregation, attrition.
 Silo design, flow pattern - Flow pattern, mass flow, core flow, funnel flow, arching, bridging, shaft building, ratholing.
 Flow measurements - Measurements, wall friction, wear of wall, internal friction, shear stresses, characterisation, design silo geometry, calculation silo pressures.
 Jenike shearcell - flow properties, flow behaviour, arching, bridging, bulk density, time consolidation, influence of temperature.
Storage - Silo services - Bridging properties
Services - Various services - Expert witnesses
Services - Measurement, analyses - Flow property measurements
Handling - Lining, liners
Storage - Silo services - Wall friction


De-mixing behaviour and segregation problems in silos  Segregation in silos can occur during filling, storage or discharge. In all three stages, measures can be taken to combat this phenomenon.
De-mixing behaviour and segregation problems in silos
Segregation in silos can occur during filling, storage or discharge. In all three stages, measures can be taken to combat this phenomenon. In silos segregation of bulk solids that consist of different fractions or component scan be a problem. De-mixing will result in a unsteady composition of product flowing out. At one stage this may be too coarse, at another to fine. Or the percentage of a components is too high or too low. Segregation can occur during filling, during storage and during discharge of the silo. However, in all three stages, measures can be taken to combat this phenomenon. by: ir. P.J. van der Kooi [INTERMEZZO**M99****In a previous article [AHREF**--**/article/30553/segregation-mechanisms-the-basics-of-de-mixing.html** segreation mechanisms] were treated. This article deals with the aspects specifically related to storage and flow in the silo.**] Segregation in silos As mentioned in the previous article, segregation (de-mixing) is a result of the difference in properties of the different components or fractions in a mixture. Segregation can be caused by various mechanisms and occur
28.10.2021  |  4048x  | 
Segregation mechanisms: the basics of de-mixing Segregation or de-mixing is the difference in  composition of several samples of one bulk material. This article gives insight in the general influences and aspects of segregation.
Segregation mechanisms: the basics of de-mixing
Segregation or de-mixing is the difference in composition of several samples of one bulk material. This article gives insight in the general influences and aspects of segregation. If samples taken from one batch have a different composition, this is called segregation or de-mixing. The samples may differ on the basis of the components present (different products) or the fractions present (different particle sizes). Segregation means that the properties of a batch of bulk material are no longer constant at every location, resulting in a loss of quality. Combating segregation involves many aspects. by: ir. P.J. van der Kooi This article deals with general influences and aspects of segregation. The second article in this series deals with the aspects specifically related to storage and flow in the silo. Product properties and segregation Global distinction In mixtures of identical particles, by definition, no segregation can occur. De-mixing is a consequence of the difference in properties of the various components or fractions in a mixture. It can be caused by various mechanisms, in which the process also plays an important role.
02.09.2021  |  3643x  | 
Pressure reduction in silos: intermediate cones a reliable solution Higher silos may show problems such as quaking or honking, or too high stresses on the product stored.  Intermediate cones are a reliable and well designable solution.
Pressure reduction in silos: intermediate cones a reliable solution
Higher silos may show problems such as quaking or honking, or too high stresses on the product stored. Intermediate cones are a reliable and well designable solution. If, for whatever reason, a company invests in larger silos, one must be aware of problems. The bulk material experiences greater pressure in a larger silo. This means that the properties of the bulk material change in a negative way. It is therefore very important to keep that pressure under control. An important instrument is the wall of the silo. One can apply rings or coat the wall. This article deals with the application of intermediate cones. With a well-designed intermediate cone one can reduce the pressure, the product flows again, and shocks will be a thing of the past. Bigger silos, bigger problems Increasing capacities or shorter lead times sometimes require larger stocks of raw materials. For companies that store their raw materials in silos, this means an investment in higher or wider silos. This may lead to problems not experienced before, because the bulk solid experiences greater pressure in a larger silo. This changes the properties of the bulk solid,
11.12.2020  |  3330x  | 
Silo design: avoiding flow problems through adequate design Avoid silo problems, such as bridging, funnel flow, ratholing, arching, segregation and product decay. Silo design for gravity flow; most economic.
Silo design: avoiding flow problems through adequate design
Avoid silo problems, such as bridging, funnel flow, ratholing, arching, segregation and product decay. Silo design for gravity flow; most economic. To avoid problems in silos concerning flow, product ageing or decay, silo design is necessary. The design of a silo is based on the most economical case: gravity flow. Wall friction, internal friction and bridging properties determine the applicable hopper angle and opening diameter. In some cases through the design procedure it is found that a "simple" silo is not possible. This however saves a lot of work and costs. [IMG01**R45**] INTRODUCTION To prevent flow problems in a silo, proper silo design is necessary. The most obvious (and the most economical) way of storing bulk solids is in a silo with gravity flow. In this case the silo consists of a cylindrical or rectangular part with a hopper. The hopper lets the product converge to the opening. This simple fact is the direct cause of most problems, such as: unsteady flow, segregation, remaining product, ageing or decay of the product, shaking or quaking of the silo, flooding, or: flow does not occur at
27.11.2020  |  10675x  | 
Screw feeder design for hassle-free feeding Proper feeding through well designed pitch profile and core diameter variation
Screw feeder design for hassle-free feeding
Proper feeding through well designed pitch profile and core diameter variation In solids handling processes screws are often used to feed powders from silos. This has a number of advantages: contamination of powder is avoided, as well as pollution of the surroundings. A proper feed rate can be achieved in a large range of feed capacity. When using a screw feeder, the hopper of the silo can be wedge shaped. This offers an additional advantage with regard tp flow. However, if a screw feeder is not designed properly, core flow and bridging can occur. Also the risk of flooding (uncontrollable flow) or excessive wear is present. A proper design, where pitch and core diameter are adjusted to the properties of the product, prevents these problems. Introduction In a production process solids will be handled at one point or another. Raw materials are often in the form of solids, and also at processes with mainly liquids or gasses, there usually are steps where powders are used. The feeding of these components is of great importance. Too much or too
27.11.2020  |  4170x  | 
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