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Volumetric feeding
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Anval International Pte Ltd.CarrierDasag GmbH Verfahrenstechnik - AnlagenbauGericke GmbH
K industries-AMMAG GmbH Schüttguttechnik, SprühgranulationK-Tron Deutschland GmbHOpdenhoff Technologie GmbHSurplus Select - Gebrauchtmaschinen
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Brabender improves accuracy in feeding High reliability in feeding, less rejections.
Brabender improves accuracy in feeding
High reliability in feeding, less rejections. Higher demands of product quality in the chemicals, detergents, food and plastics industries needs higher dosing accuracy. Besides the accuracy of loadcell and feedcontroller as well as a proper selection of feedertype, the final accuracy also rely on a proper ventilation and refilling of the feeder. Deaeration while feeding of powders by using filtercandle or filterhose leads to blockage after a short time. The air escapes through inlet and outlet of the feeder resulting in a delay of refilltime and an uncontrolled blow-out at the outlet leading to rejection of production by an inaccurate dosing, unreliable production and various errors. Based on more than 50 years experience in developing, manufacturing, installation and service, Brabender Technologie KG developed the JetFilter, an improved self-cleaning system for venting of gravimetric feeders. The JetFilter works as dust collector for particles larger than 5ìm and is mounted on the feeder. Compressed air
13.04.2010  |  8054x  |  Product news  | 
AZO introduces Zoatec GmbH
AZO introduces Zoatec GmbH
The Azo group introduces Zoatec GmbH, with approximately 40 employees and located on a brand new production site and with a separate technology centre in Neuenburg am Rhein (D), near Basel. Zoatec has been founded around a group of specialised and skilled engineers from the pasta and cream branche and fabricates process machines for the production of viscous products such as ketchup and mayonaise for the food industry, unguents for the pharmaceutical industry, creames for the cosmetic industry and toothpaste for the chemical industry. The synergy between Azo and Zoatec lies in the fact that during all these processes powders are mixed into the liquid process. From the Azo Nv site in Antwerp the distribution of Zoatec equipment is assured. Moreover, Azo represents the Amixon mixers exlusively, and during the fair, a sanitary mixer, proper for quick recipe exhange, will be exposed. Furthermore we would like to inform you about following innovations : -
05.02.2009  |  8273x  |  Product news  | 
BSP, the new feeder for free flowing solids High accuracy and gentle handling
BSP, the new feeder for free flowing solids
High accuracy and gentle handling S.T. Projects b.v. in Amersfoort (Netherlands), supplier of machines and complete process plants for solids handling, proudly presents to you the BSP feeder (Bulk Solids Pump). This is a new feeder, developed by K-Tron Soder. Our partner K-Tron Soder is one of, if not the major producer and developer of loss in weight feeder equipment. This latest development subscribes to this position in the market and combines simple design, low procurement costs and astounding accuracy with gentle handling of free flowing pellets, granules, flakes, powders and friable products. The BSP feeder is a special addition to the K-Tron equipment and the current extensive range of components and complete systems with which S.T. Projects can supply you with highgrade applications for all your material handling and process plants. We gladly inform you more detailed about the BSP and other applications.
16.01.2004  |  7840x  |  Product news  | 
Drumming line installed for Werf & Vlasnatie in Antwerp
Drum palettising and filling line BP-matic installed recently a automatic drum palettsising and drum filling line for Werf & Vlasnatie in Antwerp. Automatic installation with an articulated 4-axis robot to paletise empty drums on a wooden pallet (4 drums of 200 liters/pallet or 9 drums of 60 liters/pallet. After palettisation, the drums are automatically transferred to 2 semi-automatic filling lines (filling by weight). Installation is partially executed in a flame proof version for use in hazardous area. Installation is capable to fill more than 120 drums of 200 litres/hour.
16.01.2004  |  5970x  |  Product news
Feeding of bulk material - an elementary function within a powder process
Feeding of bulk material - an elementary function within a powder process
A simple feeding job can disturb a production process or lead to waste product if the engineering of the feeding application has not been done carefully or if the wrong equipment is used. The requirements for the mechanical design of a powder feeder is large: - the feeder must ensure the massflow in the hopper - the helix or screw has to be filled without interruption and with product of constant density - variable capacity range increase the flexibility of a feeder - easy cleaning should reduce the down time of a plant For many years, Gericke has been manufacturing all different kind of feeders. Many of them are still doing their job in a very reliable manner. The lot of experience that Gericke gained in designing and delivering of conveying, feeding and mixing equipment characterise the feeders’s design. The best electronic tool cannot overcome the limits of the physical properties and behaviour that powders show within a hopper or feeder. To offer highest
14.01.2004  |  10630x  |  Product news  | 
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