NEW. A range of Weight Indicators suitable for trade applications, 1020.
New weight instruments must have more functions and features, be smaller and offer more value for money. PENKO responds to this with a new product range, type 1020.
The instruments are suitable for automatic as well non automatic applications, including those for trade. They are a perfect interface between load cells and systems for data processing, control systems etc. Moreover there are four models, certified where applicable, for belt weighing, force measurement, filling machines and check weighing. The unique PENKO way of measuring high speed 1600 conversions/s, and high internal resolution, 24 bits, guarantees a fast and accurate data transfer and/or cut off. These characteristics allow application of the instruments for static and dynamic weighing as well as for fast applications such as filling and check weighing.
As a standard, all models are provided with USB to facilitate set-up and back-up functions. Additional models include RS232, RS485/422, Ethernet,