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30.09.2016  |  19675x
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Hygienic mounting kit for ACO moisture measurement systems - food and pharma industry

Hygienic application for ACO moisture measuring systems

ACO moisture measuring instruments: food industry and pharma industry

ACO-Automation Components shows a hygienic solution for using their moisture measurement systems in the food and pharma industry. An ACO moisture measuring sensor determines the water content/residual moisture of bulk material through a food approval plastic plate. This installation kit has been specially developed for measuring bulk goods in screw conveyors. This method prevents a direct contact between the moisture measurement sensor and the bulk solids.

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ACO moisture sensor in SFM4 bypass screw ACO moisture measurement for biomass like wood chips, sawdust and wood shavings
ACO moisture sensor in SFM4 bypass screw
ACO moisture measurement for biomass like wood chips, sawdust and wood shavings Properties: Ideal material conditions for the on-line moisture measurement Flexible mounting of the bypass screw conveyor Maintenance flap for taking samples Subsequently applicable Great experience in the field of saw dust Versions: Length, height, dimensions of flanges on customer requirements Version for explosion-risk areas (EX) The SFM4 bypass screw compaction unit has to be placed in a free fall situation of material, e.g. in a drop shaft. A partial flow of this material is trapped in the first section of the compaction unit. The screw compactor compresses the material and conveys it into the second part of the unit, right across the installed ACO moisture sensor for the determination of the residual moisture. Then the material falls down through a drop pipe back into the process. Based on this constant and equal conditions (density, dumping height, etc...) precise measuring results are available.
07.03.2017  |  20670x  |  Product news  |   | 
New ACO-Website is available now! Visit us!
New ACO-Website is available now!
Visit us! The new interactive website of ACO (Automation Components) makes the information gathering of a moisture measurement more than easy! The website offers a lot of interactive functions and a wide variation of information for realising a moisture measurement and its related mechanical solutions!
20.06.2016  |  15520x  |  Press release  | 
Latest News - ACO AMMS Sensor for measuring bulk goods “all-in-one”: direct measuring – digital processing – analogue output
Latest News - ACO AMMS Sensor for measuring bulk goods
“all-in-one”: direct measuring – digital processing – analogue output A clever combination of approved measuring systems, long-term experience and close cooperation with clients, ACO developed a new sensor generation: AMMS. With this new Analogue Moisture Measuring Sensor ACO offers a compact sensor suitable for nearly all bulk goods, granules, powders, mixtures, paste-like materials and substances from various industrial fields. This most convincing high quality sensor is equipped with user-friendly calibration by calibration software. Multi calibration up to 10 calibration points is possible. Calibration directly in process is a big advantage. For easier handling calibration directly at the sensor is possible as well. The measuring range or average value can be adjusted conveniently directly at the sensor. The output of measuring value is made by analogue output signal 4…20mA. All electronics are embedded as usual in robust durable stainless steel housing with highly resistant ceramic disc. Due to its identical dimensions
29.05.2015  |  19932x  |  Press release  | 
Feuchtemessung - ein Muss in der Holzindustrie increasing quality – increasing efficiency – saving money
Feuchtemessung - ein Muss in der Holzindustrie
increasing quality – increasing efficiency – saving money The field of application for wood is extremely varied. Using wood as a renewable energy source is one of the fastest growing application area for wood. In this kind of timber industry wood is processed in quiet different ways. A few examples for usable material- or transport forms are wood-chips, wood-pellets, wood-shavings or sawdust. To reach a highly effective combustion in the wood-burning ovens a moisture measurement is absolutely essential. On one hand a moisture measurement is able to measure the exact residual moisture in the material. The quality of all produced wooden bulk-materials increases highly by using a moisture measurement. And on the other hand there is also the possibility to raise the efficiency of a plant through optimizing cost-intensive drying- and irrigation processes. A very important aspect by installing a moisture measurement sensor is a well conceived mounting position in the production plant. Every production plant has its own individual
29.05.2015  |  26479x  |  Product news  |   | 
Controlling of the Gypsum production at E.ON “MPP3”  based on a moisture measuring system from ACO
Controlling of the Gypsum production at E.ON “MPP3”
based on a moisture measuring system from ACO E.ON „MPP3“ coal fired power plant in Rotterdam-Maasvlakte The “MPP3” is the most modern and biggest hard coal fired power plant with the notable gross power rating of net 1070 MW and a net efficiency of over 46%. The “MPP3” wants to reduce the effects on the environment as much as possible. One point to reach an environmental friendly process is the optimisation of the exhaust-desulphurisation unit. The desulphurisation is made by a wet flue gas cleaning unit controlled by a moisture measurement. This flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) is far more effective than in other traditional coal fired power plants. Beyond the “MPP3” can reach a biomass-combustion up to 30%. Of course the district heating is used from the adjacent companies. General description of the process The desulphurisation is based on burnt lime (CaO) thereby the end product gypsum (calciumsulfad-dihydrat) arises. For the analysis of the produced gypsum there is an in-house
12.03.2015  |  31835x  |  Product news  |   | 
ACO moisture sensor in PM1 sample taker Application: ACO moisture measuring instruments for bulk solids (granulates)
ACO moisture sensor in PM1 sample taker
Application: ACO moisture measuring instruments for bulk solids (granulates) Properties: Defined dumping height for ideal on-line moisture measurement The ACO sensor is integrated in the ”cup” of PN1 Long-lasting, pneumatic rotary drive Automatic cleaning of the sensor surface Optional: turnkey control cabinet for triggering sampler Versions: PN1 is available for all sensors of the ACO sensor family If required, the sampler can be manufactured as well integrated in e.g. a part of a drop shaft. The PN1 Sampler has to be mounted in a free fall situation, e.g. in a drop shaft. A part of the falling down bulk good is trapped in the cup. The bottom of this cup consists of the measuring surface of the ACO moisture measuring sensor. After enough material has been trapped, the residual moisture can be determined and finally that cup will be dumped. For cleaning the sensor an air nozzle has been integrated. The defined measuring height enables precise measuring results.
04.09.2008  |  18735x  |  Press release  | 
ACO moisture sensor in SFM1 compaction unit ACO moisture measurement for biomass like wood chips, sawdust and wood shavings
ACO moisture sensor in SFM1 compaction unit
ACO moisture measurement for biomass like wood chips, sawdust and wood shavings Properties: Ideal material conditions for on-line moisture measurement Usable for various material Subsequently applicable in already existing plants Automatic cleaning of sensor surface Optional: turnkey control cabinet for triggering compaction unit The compaction unit SFM1_HACK is specially designed for the determination of residual moisture also of coarse material in the free fall. While the pneumatic cylinder moves the ”back panel” of the SFM1_HACK the falling down material can be compacted and pushed across the ACO moisture sensor in constant conditions. The measuring surface is cleaned automatically. The constant density and steady dumping height of the material enables great measuring results. The SFM1_HACK can be mounted by means of moldings or tubes directly at the dryer entrance but also it can be fixed to a wall (e.g. of a drop shaft). Flanges, screws and cover plate are included in delivery.
04.09.2008  |  18016x  |  Press release  | 
Zerstörungsfreie Feuchtemessung  für Biomassematerial
Zerstörungsfreie Feuchtemessung für Biomassematerial

This item is only available in German
01.09.2006  |  13926x  |  Press release  | 

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