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Press release
28.10.2021  |  3190x
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The AirScrape at the mining fair in Chile

The Chilean partner of ScrapeTec will present the AirScrape, the unique contactless side seal, at the "Expomin" in Chile.
ScrapeTec Partner Dank Consultores will be presenting the AirScrape and other ScrapeTec innovations for dust-spill-free transfer points on conveyor belts at Expomin, the most important trade fair for mining in Chile in Hall 2, Stand J-56 on October 2 and 29, 21.

For the first time the company ScrapeTec from Kamp-Lintfort is represented with its products at a trade fair in Chile. The Chilean partner of ScrapeTec will be presenting the AirScrape, the unique contactless side seal, which is continuously installed over the belt for chute sealing without touching it, at its booth at the "Expomin". Some also define the AirScrape as a conveyor belt seal or conveyor skirting. Regardless of how the area of ​​application is described, the advantages are important: no wear and friction, no maintenance, no dust and no spillage - for years. The way the AirScrape works without contact and the TailScrape rear seal ensure that neither dust nor bulk material can escape through the gap between the seal and the belt. This also reduces the workload due to spill and dust to the maximum, and the health impact of the employees at the conveyor system due to fine dust also decreases significantly. Dank Consultores, they are also presenting the DustScrape from ScrapeTec at their booth at Expomin, the calming zone with a filter cloth that improves dust control after the chute. Interested parties can also get to know the PrimeTracker, the new tracking system from ScrapeTec, which centers the belt constantly and thus perfectly supports the functioning of the AirScrape and TailScrape. The PrimeTracker also works without friction and wear and tear and also ensures a massive reduction in maintenance and replacement costs.

Fits to the subject of mining of the future

One of the lecture series at the Expomin in Santiago di Chile is entitled “Technologies for the mining of the future”. With its dust-spill-maintenance free solutions, ScrapeTec sees itself on the right track and hopes for great interest from the specialist audience and feels that its partner, Dank Consultores, is well represented there.
ScrapeTec is proud to be present with its products at a trade fair for mining in Chile. After the success of being able to equip the largest Chilean mine operator Codelco with the AirScrape, this trade fair appearance is an important step to take account of the increased interest of mining companies in Chile in ScrapeTec products.

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