7 things to consider when improving moisture control in food
In the manufacture of foodstuffs, getting the moisture content right is paramount. So, what do we need to consider in moisture measurement in food production - and what moisture sensors will be suitable in this demanding application? Too little moisture in the ingredients and the product might go stale too quickly or have an incorrect consistency. Too much moisture content and certain foods could develop moulds.
Texture, weight, colour, taste, shelf life – all can be affected by incorrect moisture content, with the risk of costly product recalls and lost production time.
Getting ingredients to the right moisture content often involves drying them, so moisture measurement is vital if manufacturers are to avoid using excess energy.
So, what do we need to consider in moisture measurement in food production – and what moisture sensors will be suitable in this demanding application?
1. When and where do I measure moisture?
Moisture measurement of foodstuffs is carried out at various stages depending on the processes used. For example, ensuring the moisture content of coffee is controlled precisely will give a more consistent product quality and reduce wasted materials.
The next stage is