AchemAsia 2010: Global process engineering community meets in China
AchemAsia in new location in what continues to be an interesting economic environment The eighth AchemAsia, which will take place from 1-4 June 2010 in Beijing, offers the global process industry an opportunity to acquire a prominent market position in the ever-expanding Asian markets, to forge new contacts and to present their cutting-edge developments. The most international event of its kind in Asia, AchemAsia targets all sectors that offer or apply equipment, technologies, solutions and know-how for the chemical industry, the pharmaceutical and food industries, biotechnology, and related branches of the process industries.
The new location in the China National Convention Center is conveniently situated in downtown Peking and has state-of-the-art exhibition facilities. The new, simplified rates have been designed with the exhibitors in mind and aim to facilitate planning.
Sustainable Production, The Process Industries’ Contribution to Secure Energy Demand, Clean Production, Advanced Materials, Industrial Water Treatment, Biotechnology, Recover