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Carretera de Pulianas, km 6
18197   Pulianas
Mr. Javier Rivera
Product Line Director Pressure & Hazardous Materials Containers
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Company brochure
THIELMANN is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of pressure vessels, hazardous material containers & drums, and aseptic IBCs. With wide experience in constructing industrial containers, we can draw on in-depth industry knowledge from which you will benefit. Whether food, chemicals, or pharmaceuticals: THIELMANN supplies you with practice-proven containers of certified quality.
THIELMANN Containers
Products, services
 IBCs, containers - Stainless Steel IBC Container, aseptic
 Pressure Vessel - pressure, vessel, liquid, gas, CE, ASME
 Hazardous Storage Drums - Powder Container, pellet Container, Pharmacontainer
 Hazardous Containers - Hazardous Material Container & Drum
 Pressure Vessel - Pressure Vessels & Portable Pressure Tanks
Handling - Handling of bulk containers, IBC`s - Filling systems for bulk containers - Automated filling of bulk containers, IBC`s
Handling - Handling of bulk containers, IBC`s - Discharge systems for bulk containers - Bulk containers with vibrating cone
Cooling/Heating - Coolers, heaters - Container heaters/coolers
Handling - Handling of drums, barrels - Drums, barrels
Handling - Handling of bulk containers, IBC`s - Filling systems for bulk containers - Manual filling of bulk containers
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Handling - Handling of bulk containers, IBC`s - Filling systems for bulk containers - Automated filling of bulk containers, IBC`s
Handling - Handling of bulk containers, IBC`s - Discharge systems for bulk containers - Bulk containers with vibrating cone
Cooling/Heating - Coolers, heaters - Container heaters/coolers
Handling - Handling of drums, barrels - Drums, barrels
Handling - Handling of bulk containers, IBC`s - Filling systems for bulk containers - Manual filling of bulk containers
Handling - Handling of bulk containers, IBC`s - Filling systems for bulk containers - Semi-automatic filling of bulk containers
Handling - Handling of bulk containers, IBC`s - Bulk containers, IBC`s - Stainless steel bulk containers
Handling - Handling of bulk containers, IBC`s - Bulk containers, IBC`s - Steel bulk containers


How stainless steel protects people and the planet Interview with Zwoni Denac, Product Manager at Thielmann, manufacturers of high-grade stainless steel container solutions, are committed to making industry more sustainable.
How stainless steel protects people and the planet
Interview with Zwoni Denac, Product Manager at Thielmann, manufacturers of high-grade stainless steel container solutions, are committed to making industry more sustainable. In this interview, they give us a sneak peek into their design process with Product and Key Account Manager Zwoni Denac. He runs us through how his team approaches designing solutions for hazardous materials to keep people and the planet safe, while businesses thrive. Fully reusable From an environmental perspective stainless steel is far superior to plastic – just look at the number of plastics in our oceans. This wouldn’t happen with steel. Stainless steel is fully reusable with a remarkable lifespan. These robust characteristics make it safer and greener when it’s in use too and especially in the case of disasters such as a possible fire, the extent of the damage can be limited in contrast to plastic. Read full interview Find out more about their rigorous design process and innovative solutions. It’s just a 5-minute read.
22.03.2023  |  1637x  |  Insight  | 
Reliable transport and handling solutions for battery life cycle THIELMANN provides secure, reliable transport and handling solutions for every part of the ion lithium battery life cycle.
Reliable transport and handling solutions for battery life cycle
THIELMANN provides secure, reliable transport and handling solutions for every part of the ion lithium battery life cycle. By volume, the electric vehicle market is expected to grow to 233.9 million units by 2027. The subsequent demand for ion lithium batteries means that various players in the supply chain need solutions to produce, handle, and recycle these volatile components. THIELMANN provides the quality, durability, and safety this booming industry demands. Our high-grade stainless steel equipment is engineered to exacting standards, ensuring full compliance with the relevant certifications and regulations. With THIELMANN, you can be confident your product remains unaltered, intact, and uncontaminated. This safety and compliance guarantee is achieved via a rigorous testing regime. THIELMANN units are meticulously designed and engineered, then subject to various disaster simulations to ensure their resilience. This isn’t only to comply with regulations; it’s to ensure your team, the public, and the planet are kept safe. And, because sustainability is central to the electric
02.03.2022  |  2746x  |  Product news  | 
Why static charge is a crucial consideration when selecting an ibc In this article, we outline common scenarios where static charge can build and explain why stainless steel is the only choice for safety.
Why static charge is a crucial consideration when selecting an ibc
In this article, we outline common scenarios where static charge can build and explain why stainless steel is the only choice for safety. Static charge is the electricity generated when there is friction between two objects, surfaces, or substances. This includes liquids and powders, such as petroleum, solvents, fuels, or other chemicals. Under certain conditions, the buildup of static electricity can pose a significant safety risk. Even in non-conductive containers, something rubbing the outside surface of the unit can cause static electricity to build. Therefore, it is essential that operators assess properly evaluate risk and choose the correct specification for IBCs. In this article, we outline common scenarios where static charge can build and explain why stainless steel is the only choice for safety.
29.09.2021  |  3059x  |  Insight  | 
Ibc systems: a hybrid solution for handling bulk solids in the battery In this whitepaper, we outline why IBC systems provide the midway between batch processing and continuous processing production lines.
Ibc systems: a hybrid solution for handling bulk solids in the battery
In this whitepaper, we outline why IBC systems provide the midway between batch processing and continuous processing production lines. Bulk solids are composed of many particles or granules of varying sizes, densities and chemical compositions. Operators in bulk solid processing know that getting bulk materials to flow in a controlled manner is difficult, but often, critical to safe manufacturing processes. This is especially the case in the battery industry. The hazardous properties, particle size, sensitivity, and consistency of the materials involved mean that they are hazardous and poor flowing, and therefore, problematic to handle. Therefore, the industry requires contained, safe, secure, and highly controllable equipment. In the past, this has meant making challenging trade-offs between efficiency, safety, and expenditure, but now, there is a solution. Here, we outline why IBC systems provide the midway between batch processing and continuous processing production lines.
29.09.2021  |  3614x  |  Product news  | 
Thielmann ucon quick & efficient reorganization THIELMANN is delighted to announce that creditors have approved the restructuring process (Schutzschirmverfahren) and THIELMANN UCON will return to regular operations.
Thielmann ucon quick & efficient reorganization
THIELMANN is delighted to announce that creditors have approved the restructuring process (Schutzschirmverfahren) and THIELMANN UCON will return to regular operations. Schutzschirmverfahren (SSV), which literally translates to ‘restructuring under protection of the insolvency laws’, has allowed management to restructure the business quickly and efficiently. Productivity and flexibility in the production processes have been sustainably increased by the existing reorganization concept. In addition, a higher degree of automation, adaptation of capacities to the reduced market demands and further qualification of employees will contribute to the stabilization of THIELMANN UCON GmbH. "This way, we want to build on our strengths in the past - lead times in line with the market, coupled with the highest quality standards for the benefit of our customers. Following the recent drop in market demand due to the Corona crisis, the reluctance to invest is clearly noticeable in various customer segments. THIELMANN UCON GmbH has to become more flexible in order to be able to adapt to the changed demand situation", as Ferlan explains the core
14.06.2021  |  3306x  |  Press release  | 
An airtight containment solution for pyrophoric substances Thielmann whitepapers
An airtight containment solution for pyrophoric substances
Thielmann whitepapers Thielmann engineers were recently presented with a complex challenge by a client: to design and develop a containment system for pyrophoric substances, which cannot be exposed to air at any given point, given their volatile nature. Our client could not find any suitable solutions already in the marketplace to safeguard their product and their workforce, so our team of engineers gladly rose to the challenge , given that our objective is to not only just sell containers, but to also provide tailormade solutions. But how did they end up solving the complex problem? Find out the answer to this question, as well as full details on the technical solution here in our Case Study.
11.09.2019  |  6586x  |  Press release  | 
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