Sampling as a quality assurance tool
WEMO technique supplies a complete package of equipment and the know-how to obtain representative samples - automatically or otherwise - in order to guarantee the quality of production processes.
Based on its decades of experience with worldwide projects in the feed, food and chemical industry, WEMO-techniek is in a position to recommend the optimum solution for every sampling challenge. Whether it is a fine powder or coarse grain, a raw material or end product, one or more positions; the systems of WEMO-techniek ensure representative samples. The programme varies from manual or air-operated sampling at one position to fully automated sampling at several positions, including transport, collection, packaging and labelling.
With a range of standard samplers, most customers can be served directly. For a special application, it is possible to adapt a standard sampler or design a customised solution from a blank sheet.
In easily accessible places, a sampler can be operated manually, whereby the material is collected via a hand slide in a bag or container, or in a screwed-on sample container. It is a small step to automate sampling from this system. A product sensor secures the sample and the operator receives a signal that the sample can be collected. In this way, a single sampling system can be extended to collect a series of samples during a production run.
Sample packer
The sample packer from WEMO-techniek can take multiple sub-samples fully automatically, collect them, pack them in a bag and then label it. This high-end solution meets all track & trace requirements and forms the heart of the quality assurance in a process.
Samples can be brought to a central point from several positions in the factory by vacuum transport. The material ends up in individual sample containers in a customised carousel or in the sample packer mentioned above. By integrating the control system into the factory automation system, operators in the control room have continuous insight into the sampling process.
Since 2016, WEMO-techniek has been producing the Kempink wear resistance tester for pellets. This pellet durability tester can be supplied in an automated system as an on-line solution. The company has also developed a hardness tester. This can be combined with the pellet durability tester and will soon also be available as a laboratory version.