Vibration motors and vibrators are technical devices that generate and transmit mechanical vibrations by supplying energy. These vibration motors or vibrators are usually used in bulk material handling processes, for material compaction and at neuralgic points in mechanical systems, as well as in areas of model making, for smartphones or any other devices that require feedback via vibration.
Vibration motors (also called vibration motors, unbalance motors, oscillating motors, unbalance drives, vibrators or external vibrators) as well as vibrators are manufactured especially for vibration-technical machines in which bulk materials are conveyed, separated, compacted, distributed, dissolved or sorted by vibration. Vibration motors and vibrators can be varied depending on the area of application.
Two types of electric vibration motors:
- type AV. For this type a wide product range with aluminium and spheroidal cast iron housing is available. The centrifugal force is 40 N up to 245 kN. Frequency range 750 - 3.600 rpm
- type VV are small motors with light aluminium housings.
Centrifugal force: 40 N to 16.5 kN in a frequency range of 1000 - 3600 rpm