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GreCon fire protection concept sees to safe beet chip drying at Nordzucker When drying beet chips, a by-product of the sugar production that is popular as animal feed, fire can easily occur in the dryer drums and the downstream transport ducts. Due to very high drying temperatures of about 600 degrees, glowing particles can occur even in the area of humid chips. If these glowing particles reach the dried material at the dryer outlet, they can result in big glowing embers. If ignition sources reach the downstream transport or exhaust ducts, fire can spread out in large parts of the dry chip processing and destroy, at worst, complete production plants.
Although spark detection and temperature monitoring have been standard in these plant areas for many years, an automatic extinguishment has, however, been missing in the entire industry. This insufficient safety equipment has been a very unsatisfactory situation for Europe`s second largest sugar manufacturer, Nordzucker AG, for a long time and led to cases of damage and production interruptions